Write, but spread The results of the first Tariff Monitor prove that whoever writes Whatsapp Number List stays. Even if the corona crisis hits many sectors hard. On average, copywriters recorded revenue growth of somewhere between 0 Whatsapp Number List and 10% in 2020. Almost 65% saw that the turnover grew or remained the same. Those who did feel the blows of corona often had a narrow or specific customer portfolio. If you mainly write for the catering industry, the floriculture sector or the travel industry, it suddenly became quite quiet.
Specializing is always smart, but Whatsapp Number List make sure you combine large and small customers from different industries. Whoever lays his eggs among different hens will always get chicks. 2. Know your worth The rates of Whatsapp Number List professional, independent copywriters vary considerably. Roughly between 40 and 95 euros. Not surprising, because you have starting writers who have something to prove and experienced copywriters, who are often full or partial communication consultants. According to the Rates Monitor, the Whatsapp Number List most commonly used hourly rates in 2020 were 80 and 85 euros excluding VAT.
They can invoice about 70 percent of their Whatsapp Number List worked hours to clients. Copywriters tend to be humble rather than overconfident in what they ask. Especially for experienced copywriters: realize that you never only charge for an Whatsapp Number List hour worked, but actually the sum of all days, months and years of experience that you bring with you. Don't sell yourself short. 3. Don't mess with your rate Last year, only 5% of copywriters received a request to lower their rate. And only 3% lowered the hourly rate themselves.