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Revised Edition

For a Life-Changing Presentation

Contact Victoria


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Victoria's Journey of

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Dani took her pain from Child Abuse

and Turned into a Song

Bikers Against Child Abuse
Speaking to Victoria Lee

Mayor Bill Lafortune

"The unfortunate and shocking truth of the vicious cycle of abuse is all too obvious in the number of men and women that today are warehoused in prisons.  Perhaps a book such as Victoria's can be used to break this cycle by informing and educating parents, children and the general public on what they should look for and avoid.  Then and only then, will our children once more be treated as our most prized possessions."

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John Venturella, Businessman

"The awesomeness and miracle of the human spirit's ability to survive shines through each page.  Victoria opens her heart and soul in sharing the multiple physical, emotional and sexual abuses she encountered beginning at the age of four.  What comes through the pages is that still, small voice in this abused child and woman that kept repeating, there is "A Way Out."  Here is a book worth reading, a book that celebrates the human spirit as it soars through the pain and fear of being a victim and grows into the joy of becoming the victor."

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OU President, David Boren

"Congratulations for writing "A Way Out."  This book, written with so much courage and insight will give courage and inspiration to others.  Some day, the cycle of child abuse will be ended as our society is awakened by this book which is such an effective call to action."

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